November 24, 2014

Dear Friends and Family of the Diocese of Eau Claire,

Of all the holidays we observe in our nation, Thanksgiving is my favorite. It is a day that defies commercialization. After all, you can only eat so much, and grocery stores aren’t interested in making a big deal (but maybe a good meal) out of it. Thanksgiving is a religious holiday but available for all faith groups. The day also brings forth a double reason to be thankful for our nation. We have a system of government that fosters and protects individual liberty. We also live in a land that provides us beauty and wealth. When you are both prosperous and free, isn’t there reason to give thanks?

I hope you will have a blessed Thanksgiving. Please take time out from the meal, family, friends, and football to pray to God and thank him for the good things you have received. There is nothing wrong in sharing with God your needs and desires, but in the midst of what we want let’s also express appreciation for what God in his goodness provides. Happy Thanksgiving! With my love and best wishes, I am,

Your brother in Christ,